Mount Vesuvius


After visiting Pompeii in the morning, we went for some lunch and some rest before getting back on the bus and making our way to Mount Vesuvius.

What was great about this trip was that the bus took us up as far as it could and dropped us off at the highest point and we had a choice to go up the last mile or to stay at the café.



The start of the climb


My partner Ben turned to me and asked if I want to try it or to stay at the café. Silly question as I really wanted to try and get to the top of Mount Vesuvius, as this was going to be the most achievable thing for me since the car accident.



Half way up


We started of great, I had my walking sticks to help. As we started to go up further it got a little rocky, I was having to push my walking sticks right into the ground to help me get up, I stopped just a few yards from getting the top and I said to ben think we should turn back, at this point I was really struggling , but he turned around and said “ come on you’ve made it this far, ill make sure you get to the top” and with a little help and push I made it to the very top of mount Vesuvius.



Looking into the volcano


The air up there was very thin and very cloudy, but you could see right into the middle and I was surprised to see some bushes to be growing inside the volcano.

It was an unbelievable moment being able to get to the top of Mount Vesuvius and reflecting on what I had been through.



View from the top of Mount Vesuvius

The tricky part was coming back down, Ben had to carry me most of the way down as my leg started to give in, as we were making our way down some people stopped to help me down as it was very uneven ground.

I must admit I was pleased to be back on the bus on our way back to the hotel, as my legs were just so sore.

I just wish I never wore my good trainers as I was covered in so much dust that was coming of the side of the Volcano and floor. Id defiantly advise you to take plenty of water with you as the air is so dry up there.




Me and Ben half way down Mount Vesuvius


It was one of those days where I really felt I achieved a lot of things in such a short time in a day.

Here are some links to have a look at for more information about  Mount Vesuvius:



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