Washington Monument & The White House

I was so excited to have arrived in Washington D.C.

There is so much to explore here you would need at least 4 days to cover the main attractions.

We got the chance to walk around the white house on the outside and I have to admit, I couldn’t believe how small the White House actually is, for some reason I thought it was going to be a lot bigger.

Don’t get me wrong though I think its a beautiful building.

It was very peaceful visiting the white house, I think this was down to us going early on in the morning.

Its still worth going and checking it out your self!

I just wish we could of had a guided tour through the white house but we still got the chance to see it!

After our meal we went onto to have a look at the Washington monument.

It really is impressive at night time, especially when its all lit up.

We spent a while there just sitting on the grass looking up to it.

Unfortunately for us we made the mistake of not having a blanket/ towel to sit on and that led to us being bitten by bugs! So I highly recommend if you go in the evening make sure to have something to sit on and use insect repellent.

Walking around the streets of Washington D.C felt very safe.

I would love to go back to Washington D.C one day.

The Amish Village

We stopped of on our way to Washington DC, to see and learn what the Amish culture is all about.

The Amish core value is to lead a very simple life of faith.

Amish life revolves a lot around family life , community and working on their property’s.

They practice spiritual lifestyles and maintain a rural life style with farming and small business’s.

As we went on our guided tour through the village, we were told a lot about the Amish culture and how somethings have changed over the years.

The Amish village is 12-acre and they have 1840s homestead you can go through and be so up close to see how they use to live.

The use of electricity they use is very limited as they don’t use it from the public power grid but they do use alternative energy sources.

Dating in the Amish community starts from the age of 16 and couples don’t really get married till there 20-22 years of age. Unmarried couples are not aloud to have physical touch unless they are married, meaning no kissing, hugging and even holding hands.

Most Amish families can have up to 7 children.

As we came out the guided tour we had free roam to have a little wander, they had loads of farm animals and a lovely little gift shop. There food is amazing to!

It really is intriguing to learn about there culture and how they live, it definitely is worth the visit if your ever pass through Pennsylvania.

Here is a link for booking a tour:


Boston is historically well known for being the most abundant cities in the USA. It really is a nice place to visit. With its little bustling town centre to all things baseball, it definitely worth a visit.

We got the chance to go into the town centre to have a look around, they have so many quirky shops to visit and if you are like me and like to collect things there are many little souvenir shops around to have a look at.

The Quincy Market is a great building, it started construction in 1824 and was completed in 1826. Its two stories high and is 163 meters long, standing upon 27,000 feet of land.

The Quincy market has various shops inside and outside, from food to clothes shops, there is a bit of everything for someone.

Boston was the first cities in America to build the first subway in 1897, it is also home to the first college in North America, which is Harvard.

It was originally called Tremontaine for the three hills in the area. It got the name “Boston” after a town in Lincolnshire, England from which many puritans originated.

What I really enjoyed about Boston was its lovely food and how nice the atmosphere was, I got such a chilled vibe from the city and I felt really safe walking around in the evening to find somewhere to eat. With Boston dating back to 1630 which was founded by the English puritans, it defiantly has a lot of history considering a lot of American’s think it was the birthplace of the American Revolution. It has so much history behind it which is really fascinating.

I would say Boston is on my to 10 favourite places to visit.

Leave a comment or a like if you’ve ever had the chance to go to Boston!